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Category: Mineral Springs

Living in Berkeley Springs

Update: This was an article from a few years ago and has been updated with latest business and information. Berkeley Springs comes out of nowhere. You’re driving through the Eastern Panhandle and bam, there it is—colorful storefronts, historic buildings, a state park with a charming gazebo and a wealth of history—all in a quaint and…

One of 10 picture-perfect mountain towns

There’s something impossibly charming about a mountain town in winter. Lantern-lit cobblestone streets, glowing cafes filled with friendly locals, and intimate family-run inns warm even the coldest, shortest of days. Add fresh mountain air, high-altitude views, snow sports, and steamy thermal springs, and you just might find yourself falling for winter. But don’t expect crowds:…

Three places to fall for West Virginia

For much of the year, West Virginia lives up to its “almost heaven” moniker, serving up its beauty on meandering country roads, through rocky rivers and over high mountain peaks. But it’s never closer to heaven than in the fall, when its sugar maples prepare to shed their leaves and the view is all amber…

A recipe for comfort: The perfect family weekend in Berkeley Springs, WV

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